I got AAR free tickets from Hitz.Fm online contest. Never thought I can win.
Drive all the way to ah H's place and parked my car there and headin to stadium. And saw ah E there, in queue dy. Super damn alot ppl. GODLIKE. I can imagine the situation in the stadium later. Wait for kahyee sampai, then yeap. And the weather so damn sunny till ur skin feelin burn. But i dun feel hot yet. Till we all in the queue, stickin together enterin, i can feel the hot dy.. And got ppl smoking. the hell.. Dy so hot, still smoking. deng.
All i can say is OMG. DAMN ALOOT PPL LO. but of course alot ppl more meriah. Is ok la. Wait wait wait. Some random people talkin craps. "Eh, aku tak bawa shampoo ni!" HAHAHAHA. Celaka. Some ppl reli good, they let u cut cut to the front. And some ppl is like, damn annoying looking face. Haiz, free concert memang macam tu de ma. haiz..
We r kinda like waiting for local bands to perform oso long. The day turned into dark. Local bands juz started to come out. And I duno wht they sing. haiz.. But they are awesome! I am amazed.
Ah E and her bf walked walked to the front till i cant see her dy. walao wei. she memang geng =..= 3 of us at the back there, still. lol. fine. Some ppl cant wait dy, they walked out, few ppl feelin dizzy cause is like no air here, they gave up and walk away. And so we the rest keep pushin to the front.
And finally AAR is out. They r like, OMDG. I'M IN LOVE WITH THEM. already. And ppl around me keep jumping. Ok.. ok la. and so i oso jump, but nt like them jump dao so high. So happy and hot at the same time. HAHA.
Really an awesome concert. We love them, and they love us. HAHA. I wana turn back time and back to the concert again. Now, i am stuck with their songs. Gona in AAR mood for the whole month. Serious.
Raymond Lam post! Finally I wana go do a post on him =..=
Saw his coming to Mines ads on the escalator. So I ajak Ikan and Aki go. And I nvr thought of using Aki's DLSR at the beginning. SERIOUS. She mentioned it, i onli think YAHO, CAN USE AKI'S DLSR. I am innocent at beginning!
So, pick up Ikan then headin to Aki's place. Need to tell the guard her house add. I am gona save down her address dy =..= Then happily drive with DENG all the way to Mines. Ya, I know that i have no idea how to Mines from Sg Long. Damn..
Walked them to the venue after I parked my car at level 2, i think so, yeah, level 2. So, I am not very proud to direct them in Mines, ok. Aki said I am very proud. LOL. the hell.
So, saw the place dy. But got ppl standin there. Yao jiang meh. And so, we were like, OK, then go lookin for dinner. (pausing for hundred seconds for thinkin where to eat).. OH, we r headin to Station Kopitiam. And we are watchin Mr Bean at the same time. I have no idea y i love to watch Mr Bean last time, because the show is LAME.
After eat and laugh, we r walkin to the level 5 to see Raymond Lam. Never thought there is sooooooo many ppl. Really alot ppl. Feelin hot cause too many haba. And I bought his CD. Oh great. Better than Ali Cafe. I feel stupid if i buy that Ali Cafe. Maybe the drink is for high class people, I am not tht level gua, cause the drink totally not good. I thought is expired tim.. No offense to Ali Cafe lovers!
Waiting for Raymond Lam to pop up. Ahh.. the MC, tak tahu sape. OK. But i know he is annoying. And wait wait.. finally he is here, no need to enter into the venue, I can hear ppl screamin for him. And all the cameras up. Shit, totally cannot see him liao. And so, Aki's gona go up too. But not light.. is heavy.
And is like, see him on talk. Yalo, haiz. I have no idea wht he talks. HAHA. busy takin pics. Imagine in an hr, we took like almost 200 plus pictures. OH YA, ah H SMS. Swt-ing 3 of us on spot.
"I saw u in front of me! OMG"
Stunned and shocked at the same time. Thank u, ah H =..=
And he got a HUGE fans there. With green n yellow shirts. I should wear tht colored shirt too :( cause can go take pic with him ma. Ok la, forget it. too many ppl. Unless u do somethin extra ordinary in front of Lam Fong, maybe he will remember u FOREVER. Kinda like "eh, that _____ girl from Mines!"
After he walked away with the mgmt and the guards, we turned back to the poster to take pic. BUT, the poster is not there anymore. OK. So we take with the backstage.
Then drive aki back home. Stayed at her place for more than an hour, chattin. And it is 12am dy. I cant send ikan back home dy. And so i take her back with me, esok onli send her back.
I like Raymond Lam's boots. Damn cute! :) "can i have ur boots?" i think he will remember me if i say that. haiz, too late
Gonna go for Beyonce concert on 25th Oct! So many thank you to ah H! I will treat you sugus! Haha.
Dunno y recently people said goin somewhere, I straight away said OK. This Beyonce concert is like, same. Ah H asked, I said OK. We somemore like drag and drag the day to buy tickets, till Aries said the tickets selling damn fast. Leng places might not be available anymore. Then we just onli kan cheong to get the tickets. Haha.
The thing i worry is, I duno how to ah H de house. LOL. That day onli fan la.
After Genting trip, i feel like is not enough. haha. Askin Datuk do he wants to Batu Caves? He said he wants to go where, but no time. So i was like, again, JOM, pergi Batu Caves. And i know aki will go, cause she is on holiday XD. ah C not able to join us as he is at Penang for intern dy.. Yeap is having activity for that nite. Ya, 3 Oct is Mooncake Festival Day.
Though I am a serious bad road sign, I am still said "let's go, i drive". Then i started to feel no good, and i go ask Emily. She said can and agreed to drive too. I am so happy. haha. We stuck in heavy jam, all the way from Cheras to Wangsa Maju. Really tired.. I know datuk and aki wait for us kinda like 1 hr dy.. They sure starve kao kao. Yeap SMSed me askin whether we all really sesat is it. haha!
Finally reach Wangsa Maju LRT station. On the way to Genting Klang sambil to Yeap's place. We have lunch at RM2 vege shop. Know datuk never been there. While eatin, we wait for Yeap. She took quite along time.. Thought she sesat. HAHA. I know we bertolak from Genting Klang to Batu Caves at 3.30pm. Cause i keep lookin the time, afraid there is a time for the cave got closed. Again, heavy jam all the way to the cave. Seriously swt. Emily said she kinda knows the way to there, so I can sleep in the car.. But.. I am no confidence... So I din sleep
Arrive at Batu Caves finally. I see the stairs.. I feel hot. Because I am reli afraid that what if I wana pee while on the way on the 272 staircase.. so i mahu pergi toilet. Damn, the toilet oso damn far.. Finishin pee, we r all the way to the stairs. And i see the stairs got the numbers. Seriously damn.. I stressed up. lol
Walk n walk. Tired, rest for awhile. And i see the monkeys.. Cannot. Must approach to the hill. I scare the monkeys! The.hell. Finally we made it! And it's not easy. As i walk thru inside, I saw another stairs. GOD. Haiz.. walk lo.. dy reach.. if dun walk, kinda wasted XD
Till i saw chicken and cat. I wonder they... walked up? O___O And yet i saw there is two pairs of shoes beside there.. First thing i think of is, "OMG, commit suicide?"
I know is lame. But i onli think of that. And so i asked aki to snap the shoes XD
After snap here n there, we managed to climb down. Going down totally sufferring. I scared of both, monkeys n height. I cant walk fast. I see the stairs kinda blur also. Too tired XD
We decide to 1U.. since it's nearer with Batu Caves. This time need my direction point. HAHA. Sounds so wrong. I am sesat queen! But hey, I am betul showin the road sign mieh.. Get the parking done, we walk to cinema there. Err.. Old Wing? No idea mieh old n new. I got history og sesat there. But that's another story =__=
Dun want to watch as we can fall asleep no matter how scary of a movie. Cause we r tired XD And me suggest to the gaming place. I miss HOD. So luckily got emily. we used to play this games durin diploma~ And so nice of datuk captured us. Then i see that is not correct.. He is video-ing us. GODLIKE. I am so swt..
After all the wakes me up games, i am hungry. We go for dinner and lookin for wht to eat. Walk here and there, I dunno where i am. New wing or old wing? lol. I can recognize the new n old, but i dunno which floor we are.
Datuk suggest Thai food. The environment really comfortable.. And there is a pillow. Totally can sleep. And so, aki, emily and me ordered the same thing, pineapple rice. dun ask for y we orderin the same thing.. lol. it juz coincidence. and i cant finish the rice. Erm.. the rice is nt bad.. but.. i dun feel like want to eat >.<
After dinner, oh ya, Emily wants to buy Apple donuts for her mom :) And i am still lookin around where i am. lol. Fine. I am like a kid enterin 1U. Never ever leave me alone in 1U. I can die. seriously.
Fetch datuk back and the road is totally not the way i know. Till i saw the Eastin Hotel. I know the way back! Cause i cross here quite few times during internship. Then while on the way, we ter-masuk into Mid Valley road. Oh great. We're touring Mid Valley. LOL. SMS to datuk and he is so damn worried.
Fetch aki back home, wrong turn. haha. As usual la.. we will sesat, no matter is in short or long period. lol. Back home, i can feel the tired-ness.. That's the day of climbing batu caves, tell my parents oso they wont trust. haha
I really no mood to blog recently. Plus there is alot of things i wana blog. I think is since Genting Farewll Trip. And so I bulked up these memories, it turned into nightmare. Cause too many things to blog.
And I decided to "mou ngan tai" aka no eye see XD
Started with Genting trip. Haiz..
First, this trip is totally out of mind. Because we were like JOM, pergi Genting. And so, we the bravo gang, who seriously can be the future CEOs (cause CEO is a person who dare to take high risk), ah C, aki, yeap, datuk, emily, and me to Genting on 26.09.09. Thanks alot to ah C, we managed to get the tickets. And we go from Gombak LRT Station by bus straight to Genting Highlands uphill there.
First destination, we have dinner at McD. We eat and datuk is teachin yeap playin guitar. And since he wants to work, we need to find a place got plug, so we move to Burger King. While he is on work, we r playin UNO cards. Meanwhile, ah C is teachin yeap plays guitar tis time. There is alot people watchin them by passin them. Till a stranger jammin with ah C. haha.
I was searching for my iPod. Seriously duno where it gone. I searched high and low. Dig my bag continuously. I was panicked. Till Datuk took out from him. I really damn zadao. Damn kao. =..=
Then we switched from UNO to poker cards. Yes, i can say I dun like tis game, cause I am always lose this game, as usual. haiz.. But still, I win several times. Not Bad! And we decided to play SNAP. LOL, this game totally makes us hot. This damn game caused me abit slowmotion. I cant see the numbers coming thru. LOL. zzz. It's fun yet it hurts. haha. (ah C de fingernails reli hurts me..haha)
Thanks to the music played in there. IT makes us wanna sleep. And we need a place for whole night to hang. So we walk to Starbucks there, it is full. Then, we back to inside there and there is another Starbucks. But it gona closed. We juz sit for few minutes onli, i think. And so... we walked back to basic. LOL. erm, we walked back to McD there.
Searchin for another plug and so we gona sit there. Datuk needs plug for his laptop :D
All night we sit there playin UNO, datuk and ah C jam on their guitars, as we sing along. The thing is, erm, i find kinda abit hard to catch up wht they play. LOL. Till they sing along, I just know what is the song. swt.. I tried not to fall asleep, so I play Sudoku. It energized me up :) We chat about random things, till I said about an incident of a girl's head out of her body cause her hair stuck at the spaceshot up there. So I said "she" might still here lookin for her body and OOPS, i am too over... Datuk asked if she still alive. LOL, he is damn cute! Of course the head is separated from the body, is still considered alive? =___= ha.ha.
Time passes quite fast and it's morning. So we walked to a sundry shop.. I forgot the shop name.. We have our breakfast there, a mee maggi soup. So many thanks to datuk for the treat. Then I din notice Yeap walked away.. Thought she is on phone. Yuan lai she is looking for toilet. Godlike, the toilet is juz next to the sundry shop corner there.. And she walks so far away to toilet. Haiz.. Alrite. And ah C asked if his eyes got bigger anot when he tried to open up his eyes, I am kinda like ... erm.. no. sosorryahC.
Since we need to get down b4 9.30am, we slowly walked to the cable car there. Damn cold. Ah C kinda abit "drunk" dy. LOL. So i helped him carry yeap's guitar. Passin thru alot elevators. And there we go. I dun wan to sit facing front, so I choose back de. haha. Cause.. erm, i scared. That's all.
Arrived to the bus stop, we wait for the bus to move on. And I was thinkin why the time passin so damn fast.. haiz. In the bus, i keep fall asleep. My body system started want to off dy. So we all off the train one by one, I started want to sleep again, and so i played Sudoku again. lol.
Back home, I straight walk to my room and grab the clothes and take bath. After bath, Im off to sleep. Super tired. No energy to talk with parents and bro. Even they off to go for hiking, I juz nod nod and nod. haha. My bro said we r so stupid stayin at McD all nite. No energy to choi him, but seriously damn.
Nice experience stayin out there without sleep O__O but can we book a room next time? lol