Wednesday, November 3, 2010

weird dream

There is few days back. I dream of the most horrifying dream ever in my life. Maybe I owned this before due to my STMness. Ah well. This one totally so fresh now

I dream of Boys Like Girls with SAW scene. WTF right? yeah i know -_-

Me dream of myself in a house with kinda old wood house. Those u see in thriller movie. The house they get in. so scary type with spider webs something like that. My dream is. I see I'm in the middle way and rooms door next to me. 4 room doors. And I walked slowly to the end pathway, I see Martin them. Saw Miss Epic Yeap inside asking for autograph. oh wow.

While me stucked beside because I scared. Kinda creepy the way I feel in the dream. I pass my booklet to Yeap for them to sign. Martin said I must go in on my own. And I walked in and they 4 sitting on a meeting table there. And signed on my booklet with their lil notes on it. Awesome but too bad is a dream -_-

Then the dream turned into SAW scene. A guy stucked in a house and can't escaped. Eventually he been trapped in a cage where his head left out from the cage. Inside the cage contained a fan. Means when the fan is on, the body inside gonna sliced into pieces.

I think I reached the highest level of stress. Enough said.

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