I done my movies twice in a day. Both also related to wings. Watched Tooth Fairy and then Legion.
Can u imagine a muscular and serious guy turned into a tooth fairy? with the sparkle lil feather wings? XD Once i saw this fella in Tooth Fairy movie trailer since last yr, I cant wait to watch. It is goin to turn into damn HELL LAUGHIN OUT OF MY CONTROL movie.
From a hockey player who loves to broke enemies' teeth and doesn't believe TOOTH FAIRY do exist (since he also get the name of TOOTH FAIRY for knockin ppl's tooth), he got summoned and turn into social worker, the TOOTH FAIRY :)
turnin into tiny fairy, got lil sparkle wings (considered tiny for him), become invisible. Ah, fairy tale. im so into tis movie. And from tis movie, u can learn for "please do not buy things from black market" Wey, i din kidding. this movie got black market in fairy world. woots. And always believe in fairy world. They exist because we BELIEVE in them :) so sweet
i likey this pic. the look-a-like Justin Bieber, lil girl with no two tooth and sexy mama. DAMN LOVELY :D
Legion movie. I cannot comment this movie. LOL. As majority review, they say tis movie sucks. For me, I onli like the first few scenes. Is bout God started to give up of human, means us T..T and He started to send the Angels to settle our human race. Till there is one Angel, still has faith on us, Michael. Yeah, did u know the Michael is the one who act as monk for Da Vinci Code? XD damn.. tis movie part, he is seriously hell yeng. no doubt. i like bald :)The old lady. at the first part of the scenes. MOTHERBALLS. Bite the guy.. haiz. and then jump up to ceiling and crawl like cockroach. =..= and then float. shit. and this old lady possessed by the angels? Do u believe the angels in tis way? haiz.. horrible
the horrible part. the ice cream. with the ice cream song. and then the man got down from the car. and turned into tis shit. DAMN. fuckin scary wey. and his hands gettin longer. like ah C said, like a monkey.
p.s. plz dun bite me. i give u banana. Malaysia imported. hell u nvr taste tis one b4! i can giveu the banana seed and so u can plant them at ur country and live happily ever after~ :3
(talkin crap)